Karyn Putney

nurse paralegal


Karyn obtained her bachelor’s degree in sociology with a concentration in criminal Justice from Albertus Magnus College in New Haven. She then spent time working in inpatient child psychiatry and almost 10 years as an Emergency Medical Technician working both for a busy commercial ambulance company spanning multiple cities and as a volunteer through a local fire department. Karyn than graduated from Bridgeport Hospital School of Nursing and eventually returned to obtain her Bachelors of Science in Nursing from Southern New Hampshire University.

Karyn has 14 years of experience working as an RN in various roles including pediatrics, medical / surgical nursing, postpartum and newborn nursing and high risk antepartum as well as having chaired a hospital based maternal child health nursing professional governance committee. She has also worked short term as both a school nurse substitute and municipal contact tracer during the covid 19 pandemic. Current certifications held include electronic fetal monitoring, maternal newborn nursing, basic life support and neonatal resuscitation. Karyn is a new member of American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants and looks forward to continuing her education in this area.

Karyn’s free time is filled with enjoying community service experiences with her husband and two young daughters. Some of these activities include being a Girl Scout troop leader and volunteer at Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter for the past 8 years, establishing a local nonprofit organization specializing in wildlife rehabilitation / public education and is currently a sitting elected member of the East Haven Board of Education.