How Does Hot Weather Lead To More Car Accidents?

May 28th, 2019 | Firm News

Many factors contribute to car accidents, such as distraction, speeding and intoxication. More accidents occur in the summer months, from an increase in tourists and teens on the road to plenty of partying holidays. In fact, the deadliest day to drive is the Fourth of July, reveals data from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Another factor for summer crashes is the hot weather, says U.S. News and World Report. Although hot weather is not a defining attribute of Connecticut, the summer temperatures are still warm enough and the humidity high enough that they can have the following effects on driving.


Heat causes drivers to feel fatigued and sluggish, slowing down reaction times and muddling concentration. Even police officers feel the heat and are less likely to leave their vehicles, meaning they are pulling over fewer motorists who are a danger on the road.

You can counteract this effect by maintaining your vehicle’s AC to ensure the interior of your car stays cool. Park your car in the shade and use window shades to block out sunshine. Keep bottled water with you, too, to stay hydrated. If you notice reckless drivers on the road, distance yourself from them and report them to the police (pulling over first to make the phone call, of course).


Strong sunlight can impede drivers’ visibility. The blinding glare from the sun makes it more difficult to see and react to hazards.

Therefore, it is smart to always keep a pair of sunglasses in your car and to make sure all windows are spotless, as dirt worsens the glare. If you are petite, visor extenders can help shield more of the sun. Whenever possible, avoid driving at times when the sun is strong and low, such as in the late afternoon/early evening.

Make Your Summer Safe

Summer is for making good memories. Reduce your chances of a motor vehicle accident by always following traffic laws, staying off your cellphone and preparing for hot weather.