An Antirheumatic Drug Risk You Should Know About

Mar 11th, 2021 | Firm News

If you or a loved one has a rheumatic condition, it is likely that you have heard about recent medications that can produce more relief than others. The Janus kinase inhibitor (JAK inhibitor) category of drugs holds much promise for people suffering from various rheumatic conditions. These drugs can decrease pain, inflammation and even joint damage. JAK inhibitor drugs are prescribed for a number of conditions including:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Polyarticular course juvenile idiopathic arthritis

This class of drugs is within the larger category of disease-modifying antirheumatic medication that alters the body’s responses to inflammation signals. However, one of the three Jak inhibitors, Xeljanz, has had troubling safety results in three Food and Drug Administration (FDA) studies.

A history of warnings about Xeljanz

The latest FDA study results were released in early 2021 and are the latest to indicate the increased risk of cardiovascular events and cancer due to taking the medication. In fact, due to the results of a previous FDA study in 2019, the makers of Xeljanz were required to include a warning label about a likely increased risk of blood clots in the lungs when taking the 10 mg dose. Even though the FDA has not pulled the drug off the market at this time, risks remain for those who take the drug.

After suffering side effects, what can be done?

Harmful complications from taking Xeljanz can be devastating and potentially fatal. But, there is something that can be done to compensate for the loss of health or life from as heart problems, blood clots or cancer. You may be entitled to compensation for your losses due to Xeljanz. Find out more by calling 888-692-7403  for a free legal consultation at Lynch, Traub, Keefe & Errante, PC.