Can You Lose Your Job After a Construction Accident?

Aug 30th, 2023 | Personal Injury

Navigating the aftermath of a construction accident is a complex and stressful ordeal. While dealing with immediate medical needs is paramount, concerns about job security often linger in the background. You might be wondering: “Can I lose my job if I’m injured in a construction accident?”

The short answer is no: your employer cannot fire you solely for suffering an injury or filing a workers’ compensation claim. However, if your employer had a legitimate reason for firing you before the claim, they still have the right to terminate your employment.

Recovering Compensation After an On-the-Job Injury in Connecticut

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that provides medical benefits and wage replacement for employees who sustain injuries or become ill due to their jobs. In Connecticut, businesses with one or more employees are required to carry this coverage. You can file a workers’ compensation claim if you suffer an injury while performing your job duties.

By filing a claim, you can receive benefits to help pay for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and a portion of your lost wages. If you suffer a permanent disability, you could also claim ongoing long-term disability payments.

Employers Cannot Retaliate Against Injured Workers

Connecticut law prohibits employers from terminating or discriminating against employees for filing a workers’ compensation claim. If your employer fires you solely for engaging in this protected activity, you may qualify for further legal action.

In addition to state protections, federal laws also safeguard injured workers. For example, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave, during which time you can’t be fired.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that employers provide reasonable accommodations, such as restructuring job duties or making the workspace more accessible, to help disabled employees continue to perform essential job functions. If you suffer a disabling injury at work and your employer fires you because of your disability, you may have grounds for a discrimination claim.

What to Do If Your Employer Fires You After a Construction Accident

If you’re terminated after suffering a construction injury and filing a workers’ compensation claim, immediate action is critical. First, notify the District Office responsible for your workers’ compensation case and tell them about your employer’s actions. Then, contact a Connecticut workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your case.

An attorney with experience handling workplace injury claims can help you take action against your employer for their retaliatory actions. More importantly, your lawyer can help you craft a compelling claim to help you recover fair workers’ compensation benefits. He or she can help you navigate the intricacies of both state and federal laws to ensure you’re adequately protected.

Speak to a Connecticut Construction Accident Lawyer Today

If you have been injured while working on a construction site, you need an attorney on your side. A New Haven construction accident lawyer can help you gather necessary evidence, complete the necessary paperwork, and utilize expert testimony to strengthen your claim if necessary. After seeking medical care, schedule a free legal consultation to learn more about your options and next steps.