
What is a “wrongful birth?”

Apr 10th, 2015 | Firm News

A birth injury occurs when during the delivery process the mother, the baby or both suffer an injury. A birth defect describes a problem that occurs while the fetus is still in the womb. It is in connection with the latter of these two possibilities that the legal concept of wrongful birth can take place….

Parents Of Victims Sue Estate Of Parent In Sandy Hook Aftermath

Mar 23rd, 2015 | Firm News

When the acts of one person lead to deaths or injuries of others, questions of possible civil liability are a logical consequence. One of those questions addresses the extent of liability: that is, how people other than the person alleged to have proximately caused the harm may also be partly responsible for what happened. Events…

Can A Doctor Be Liable For Failing To Diagnosis A Disease?

Mar 19th, 2015 | Firm News

Doctors are trained to diagnose patients based on a number of factors, including symptoms, past medical history, family history, and the physical exam. Doctors use these factors to come up with something called a “differential diagnosis,” which is a list of possible diagnoses or causes of the patients’ symptoms. While most doctors do their best…

What Is The Practice Of “Defensive Medicine”?

Feb 26th, 2015 | Firm News

Recently we looked at some of the legal defenses that you may encounter if you become the plaintiff in a lawsuit that alleges medical malpractice. Many health care professionals take the idea of defending themselves against accusations of malpractice a step further, and can start to treat you like a plaintiff even before anything goes…

Getting Past Defenses To Medical Malpractice Claims

Feb 19th, 2015 | Firm News

In earlier posts we have discussed several aspects of medical malpractice actions in Connecticut, including some of the legal requirements to initiate a lawsuit and examples of actual medical malpractice lawsuits. Another consideration to keep in mind is that, as with any lawsuit, medical malpractice claims are not a one-way street. You can expect the…

Wrongful Death Actions In Cases Of Prenatal Injury

Feb 17th, 2015 | Firm News

Wrongful death lawsuits in Connecticut typically involve a cause of action by the administrator of the estate of a deceased individual who would have had a right to sue the responsible party had victim survived. This general definition can, however, beg the question of who may be considered to be “alive.” Specifically, can an unborn…