New Haven Child Support Attorney

At Lynch, Traub, Keefe & Errante, we have been helping individuals and families throughout Connecticut with complex New Haven child support issues for almost 70 years. Our knowledge and experience have given us the skills to efficiently handle your child support concerns.

We have an established record of success representing both custodial and noncustodial parents who are trying to resolve child support disputes. Whether you need assistance negotiating an agreement with your spouse, mediating a disagreement or taking a dispute to trial, one of our experienced New Haven family law attorneys can help. Contact us today for your free initial consultation.

Unique Solutions For Your Unique Family

We know that each individual child support case comes with its own circumstances. All clients have their own goals in mind when they contact us. Regardless of your unique situation, our attorneys are prepared to help you in any type of child support case. Our clients include:

  • Parents with primary custody who are seeking adequate financial support to cover the costs of raising children
  • Noncustodial parents who want to ensure that their child support obligations are fair and reasonable
  • Unmarried parents seeking support from the child’s other parent
  • Individuals who need to modify existing child support arrangements

What If I Need To Modify My Child Support Obligations?

Sometimes a change in your circumstances means you need to change your New Haven child support arrangements. In addition to helping clients develop fair child support agreements, our firm can assist you in obtaining a child support modification when necessary. To secure a modification, you typically must show that circumstances have changed substantially enough to warrant an increase or decrease in your support obligation.

We also assist parents who are having difficulty collecting court-ordered child support from a former partner. We will help you fight for the support your child needs and possibly seek a contempt order from the court to help you receive the back support you are due.

How Does Child Custody Affect Child Support in New Haven?

Most parties to child support orders are not aware that child custody and the amount of parenting time (visitation) a parent has can affect the amount of child support paid to the other parent. If both parents have equal parenting time, most often no parent will be required to pay support. Or if your parenting time, or visitation, with your child has increased drastically, you could be eligible for a decrease in your support obligation. One of our New Haven child support lawyers will help you work through the support and custody guidelines so you best understand your situation.

Contact A Lawyer Who Can Help

Our Child support attorneys in New Haven represent clients throughout Connecticut. We are here to help you seek, modify or enforce your child support order. To learn more, contact our firm at 203-333-3333 for a free initial consultation.